Friday, May 21, 2010

He takes the floor.

May 21st 2010

This is going to be short. I had my first night back in the restaurant. I was excited and nervous. Things have changed so much. What was once a slower service with finer dining experience, has become a faster more money making operation. I can understand that... But why go overboard in training us to "personalize a guests experience" when we don't get the time with them like we used to?
Everyone, again, remembered me. A new hire even "recognized" me from a Dorito's spec commercial I did.. that of course half of my hometown had seen. The former owner/founder of The Resort showed up, and was very happy to see me. He will never forget me because I was the only associate who ever spilled stuff all over him. Literally... tomato juice on his head, and orange juice down the front of his jacket. I got a promotion after that happened. He asked about California and how my life was out there.
It nice knowing that I made such an impression on people... but tough because every time I meet some one new I hear " I've heard a lot about you". I've learned to laugh at it.. and respond with the same thing. Or say things like "oh.. and i've heard even more about you!!" Or if people ask about acting.. I'll say, "yeah haven't you seen my episode of America's Most Wanted?"
I wanted to bitch so much tonight about so many things being different. but I thought about it. Instead of bitching and being frustrated about where I am on the "Totem Pole" at work right now.. I'm just going to have to do what I did before. Through myself completely into the job. I mean really... what else do I have? Tomorrow I work a double shift. I have to be there by 7:00 am I just got home and it's almost 1:00am. Here we go!

This is what I have resorted to!


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