I had the first bathroom "situation" with my dad. I don't get how there are thousands of L.A. apartments that manage to get 2 bathrooms in them, but in my dads 3 story, 3 bedroom house, with a full basement.. he only still has 1 bathroom. At 6:00 am this morning I wake up for work. Wanting to quickly hop in the shower and head to my long day. Well, I clearly should have communicated this with old Bill. For some reason he was up showering on Saturday... bright and bubbly, cleaning his hair. As I paced back and forth waiting to use the restroom. Until I finally knocked "dad".. "OH JESUS.. you scared".. he screams while in the shower. I ran in used the restroom and left. I have still yet to get my shower.
I made it through my first double shift. I arrived at the Mystic Meadows Hotel at 6:30 am and did not get home until around 4 am. Let me just say.. that the nobody likes the breakfast shifts. We have 800 people who work at night and there were 3 who worked this morning! We usually will get a bunch of anxious golfers who just want to make there T-time! So they have to hurry in, eat and leave.
I worked with another associate named Craig. His first year was when I was there years ago. I trained him.. and now I was working under him. He is very shy, and naive. I could tell he felt a little awkward because I still know a lot about "how things work" and he is still.. well shy and naive. It got so busy they had me start taking orders. On my 2nd day.
After breakfast I got a phone call from my mother. My mother moved from her intermediate family a few years ago to take care of my grand-parents. Two 90 year olds. Over the past 5 years she has gone through an e-motional roller coaster of death and torment. She has lost not only most of her family, her own life. My grandmother, is 95 and is the last one alive. Still fiesty and kicking. Until yesterday morning. The funeral is scheduled for Wed. in New Jersey. I think I'm going to attend. Perhaps its the universe showing me another reason why I was supposed to be on the east coast this summer?
I went to my friend Gwens house in between shifts. She lives on the mountain, but not "on property" Gwen and I met years ago, but became very fast, close friends when I first worked for Mystic Meadows. I must have been to her place hundreds of times, but she still gets insecure about me coming over if it's to "messy". I understand the want to have your place to looking nice... but we're practically family.
Dinner shift starts at 4:00. When walking in I saw someone I went to high-school with "hey there's my celebrity" he said. ... If you really want to feel like a celebrity, live in a small town for a short while, move to L.A. do a couple of little projects and put them on your facebook. I should be writing a blog called "how facebook made me famous" Back to the dinner shift.
This is the more exciting shift where we have to be on our A game. Every head server has an assistant with them for there tables. I'm still in training.. so I'm assisting the assistant. I was the only seasonal associate ever to get the Food and Beverage associate of the month award for head server... and now I'm assisting the assistant.
Let me fill you in on a few of the associates I work with. First there is Bessie. She has been at Mystic Meadows forever. She is slightly older than everyone, slightly heavier, always in charge, and believes EVERYTHING she see's on the news. Her serving style is very professional, proper, and profitable. Next is Rob. Rob is an attractive, smart man. He has is also slightly older, but a little more educated. However, I think he is slightly "bi-polar" in the personality department. One minute he sweet as can be, the next he is just a bottled up rocket of anger... over nothing.. which he then takes out on other people. Rob and Gwen are dating.... I try to stay out of it. Oh did I mention that Gwen works there with Rob? Then there is Audrey. Audrey is a very sweet, beautiful young girl. I think Audrey has a lot of potential, but she is one of the many people who have stayed in the bubble of Farmville Pa, never left, and does not know that there are so many other options out there. She was raised a specific way, and I think in her head that is THE ONLY way. There are more "supporting" players and "guest" appearances that will pop up. I'm sure. I'm lucky to be friendly with all of them. They, on the other hand are not all friends. Audrey doesn't like how Rob treats Gwen so she feels that it's her problem, and gets stressed about it. Mean while, Gwen seems to happy and figuring out Rob for herself. I think they will eventually get married. Like most relationships, they have kinks, so they will choose to either work them out or not.
Service went smoothly.... Rob was upset because a lady bought a $30.00 glass of wine that we needed to comp off. She read the wine book incorrectly and thought that it was $5.00. She was looking at the table of contents... it said Page five! That's just one example of the people we have to deal with. Being that this beautiful resort is located in the poorest county in PA, we occasionally will attract some uncultured individuals. When that happens, we need to accommodate them. After work, on the weekend, the staff goes for drinks at "Harley's" a biker bar across the street. Gwen and Rob were already there, when I walked in with Audrey. I now felt torn going back and forth talking with Audrey and Gwen because they were on separate sides of the bar. I didn't let it ruin my time. As you read.. I didn't get home until 4 am! Oh the self control that I lack. " oh come on just have one drink" well.. don't need to twist my arm. Here's a toast to my Grandma!!
I made it home and into bed safely. Back to work tomorrow!
This is what I have resorted to!
Here's a toast to Grandma!!! xoxo Tell Audrey that part of growing up is learning to mind your own business! ha ha!